Syphilis Home Test Kit


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An indirect test for the Treponema Pallidum (TP) bacterium, that causes Syphilis, results are given in as little as 15 minutes. This is an antibody test, which tests for the presence of antibodies in the human body that are produced in response to the TP bacterium.

  • 99% Accuracy
  • Reliable Results in less than 15 mins
  • Certifications: : TUV ISO 13485 (ISO’s International Medical Devices Standard) & GMP
  • Easy to Use
  • Total Privacy
  • No appointments and time saving

An indirect test for the Treponema Pallidum (TP) bacterium, that causes Syphilis, results are given in as little as 15 minutes. This is an antibody test, which tests for the presence of antibodies in the human body that are produced in response to the TP bacterium.

Syphilis is a highly contagious bacterial infection caused by the bacteria Treponema pallidum and spread through sexual contact, including oral, vaginal, and anal sex. Syphilis is curable in its earlier stages, but can cause very serious and possibly irreversible complications if the infection goes untreated. The infection is referred to as “The Great Imitator,” a name given to medical conditions that have symptoms that could accompany a wide variety of diseases, causing confusion among people infected.

It is strongly recommended that individuals know their status and should the need require, start treatment immediately to avoid future complications.


Sores are small painless ulcers in the genital and or mouth area

10-90 days to appear after initial exposure

10 – 90 days incubation period

3 – 6 weeks window period, general recommendation is 90days.

Package Contents

  • 1 x Cassette with Well – Test device
  • 1 x Lancet (fingerprick)
  • 1 x Micro pipette (dropper)
  • 1 x Buffer solution
  • 1 x Alcohol swab